How To Get Your Newly Self-Published Book In Front Of Readers


If you've just written your first novel and have decided to go the self-publishing route, there are a lot of things to consider. Your main goal is likely to sell your story and get it in front of the masses. Unlike working with traditional publishing houses, you'll have to do a lot more promoting of your book than you would if a publisher or agent was pitching your story to book retailers and other online literary outlets. Here are just a few ways that you can get a jump start on book sales with your new self-published novel.

Set Up A Stellar Website

Having a place for readers to go to learn more about your book's storyline is a great way to gain interest from others as a new author. The first step is finding reputable web design companies that work with self-published authors. Look for a company that offers:

  • Good customer testimonials
  • A proven track record to draw in page views
  • Web design agents who have experience with promoting new authors
  • A clean, crisp design page that will focus on your book's synopsis
  • Graphic artists who use cutting-edge graphics and design elements

Having a well-balanced web design company working for you will enhance and build a solid foundation to help you with the launch of your book.

Drive Traffic To Your Online Store

Once you have a website established, you'll want to link your book to it. To generate sales, you will need to attract customers who are interested in a particular genre. To help drive more traffic to your site, link your social media accounts with your website. This will help to bring in interested readers, who will want to give your book a try. You can also set up discussion boards on your website to help encourage readers to leave feedback about your book.

Utilize Effective Marketing Techniques

Having a marketing company that will help promote your book is a good way to boost overall sales. Linking excerpts or free page views from your book, will give others a chance to embrace your storyline and writing style before they buy the finished product. Marketing campaigns can include special limited time sales or book giveaways to new and existing readers.

Network With Other Writers

Using other writers to help promote your work is a win-win for everyone. You'll be able to promote their books on your website or social media page, in return for the same on their own social media or web platforms. This allows you to engage in a broader reading audience and grab the attention of more potential readers.

Writing your first book may seem like a challenging and time consuming task within itself. Don't forget that creating your masterpiece also lies in proper networking and web marketing of the finished product.


5 January 2016

Effectively Marketing Your Business  With Signs

Using signs to market your business is a cost effective option that will keep paying for itself for years to come. But simply printing your company's name on a sign and setting it up for the world to see probably isn't going to drive the amount of business through your door that you are looking for. It's important to use branding techniques and to implement action-oriented colors into your message to enhance your chances of success. As a marketing assistant I understand first hand how hard it is for people to create their business presence, so I started this blog to help make things easier for those who want to increase their customer base. Hopefully the information here can help you!